• Think, Puzzle Explore - Students write what they think they know about a topic, what puzzles they have about the topic, and what they would like to explore.

  • Compass Points - Students write what they are Exited about for an idea or proposition. Then they write about something they are Worried about. Students think about what they Need to know, write that down and finally they write what their current Stance or suggestion on how to move forward for the idea or proposition.

  • I Used to Think… Now I Think - Students write about what they thought before reading, researching, or engaging with instruction on a topic and what they now think.

  • Connect, Extend, Challenge - Students write about how previous knowledge is connected to a new topic, how they extended their thinking in relation to that topic, and what they found challenging or confusing about the new topic.

  • Values, Identities, Actions - Students write about the values they think a work invites them to think about and they evaluate who’s values are represented and whether they share these values. Students also who the work is speaking about and who it is trying to speak to. They reflect on who has been left out and whether or not they fit into the works story. Finally, students determine what actions might be encouraged by the work and by whom.